Tramp's Bride Page 10
Tramp gave her a sympathetic smile and gently led her back to the couch. He helped her sit back down then took the crutches and propped them against the edge of the couch. “Darlin’ just be yourself. Heck, I like you. Even Cookie likes you, and you know Cookie doesn’t like that many people. You’re as fine a woman as any of them and don’t you forget it. You are just as kind and smart as those women. Sometimes obstacles are put in our path so we can overcome them. Just talk about the latest frou-frous you ladies like.”
Ilene sighed. “That’s the problem. I don’t know anything about frou-frous or child rearing or husbands, for that matter. I just can’t seem to find things to talk about.”
Tramp’s smile made him look very handsome. “How about sharing a recipe or two? I bet they’d love to get their hands on a recipe for one of your pies. Swear them all to secrecy, and it will make them think that you like and trust them. I’m not one for jawing a lot, but I found giving a compliment here and there always helped.”
His advice was probably sound, but she still had a knot in her stomach and a lump in her throat. Why was it so easy for some people to make friends and so hard for her? Most of her life she hadn’t had to worry about it. She was always with her parents. As far back as she could remember she worked in a factory with her mother. Her mother and father always said it took all three of them working to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads. Too bad her father had spent much of their money on pails of beer. He certainly had always had friends around. She tried to give Tramp a smile, but she knew she failed. It was hard for her to put on that plastic fake smile, and she didn’t feel she needed to with Tramp.
He gave her shoulder a light squeeze. “Well I have some work I need to get done and Shannon should be here any minute. Keep your chin up you’ll be just fine. I have faith in you.”
Ilene watched him walk away. A feeling of loss shrouded her.
She shook her head. She was growing to depend on him too much, and that wouldn’t end well for her. She’d had enough heartbreak and disappointment in her life. She didn’t need more.
But she didn’t have long to linger on her negative thoughts before Shannon came through the door.
Though she was always the picture of a wonderful wife and mother, Shannon didn’t think so though, not with the long scar on her face. But at least she had stopped trying to hide her face from others. She had on a beautiful lightweight dress made of a pretty fabric of sweet green with the tiniest of flowers.
Ilene took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Shannon didn’t make her nervous. It was the thought of the others that made her mouth go dry. “Good morning, Shannon, you look lovely today. I wish I had a way with the needle like you do. You sure do yourself proud with that dress you have on.”
Shannon smiled and leaned down giving her a kiss on the cheek. Ilene wasn’t sure how to react, so she did nothing.
“You’re looking better, Ilene. I’m so glad you’re improving. It does my heart good. I have to say I was so worried when Tramp first brought you in, but now you’re gaining that healthy glow about you. Cookie should be here in a little bit with the refreshments, and Cinders is spending the morning with our little Olivia.”
“Thank you, I do feel better. I’m not up to catching horses yet, but I soon will be. I did want to talk to you about something. I’m thinking about moving off the ranch. Tramp needs his house back, and I have no business being in it. I know Addy has an empty house on her land, and I thought maybe I might ask if I could stay in exchange for working for them.”
Shannon sat down at the table across from her and tilted her head in concern. “Honey, you don’t have to go anywhere or do anything you don’t want to. There are plenty of people here that need our help. Some of the Plunkett family are still ill.”
Before Ilene could answer, Addy and Edith sailed into the house. Addy was all smiles while Edith frowned. Edith looked around as though she was making a mental note of everything inside the house.
Addy set down a big wicker basket on the table. “It’s good to see you both. Ilene you look wonderful. I’m glad you’re healing. Shannon, you’re as lovely as ever. That’s a great dress you have on. One of yours?”
“Why thank you, Addy,” Shannon said. “It’s one of my new ones, and Cinders sent all the way to New York City for the fabric. He surprised me with it.”
“He didn’t think I had fabric of a good enough quality at the mercantile.” Edith shook her head as she eyed Shannon’s dress.
A quick knock on the door interrupted the conversation, and Cecily walked into the house. “Well hello ladies. It’s so good to see you all. I hope you don’t mind, but I invited Ava Plunkett to join us. She should be here in a little bit.”
Shannon nodded. “I didn’t know you and Ava were acquainted. She’s a hard worker and I bet her being with us for a while will distract her from her problems.”
Cecily put her basket on the table next to Addy’s. “I really don’t know her, but she asked if she could join us. I still don’t know many people.”
Addy and Shannon both laughed. “Well you’re getting to know your new husband, Shane. That’s bound to take up a woman’s time,” Shannon said.
Edith tapped her foot. “Ladies, shall we begin? We are here to work, you know.”
Ilene watched as Cecily and Addy exchanged knowing looks. Why was Edith part of the group if they didn’t like her? Were they just being kind to her as they were being to Edith?
Cecily sat down next to Ilene. “I heard what happened, and I’m so glad Tramp found you when he did. He seems like a very nice fella. So when are you two getting married?”
Heat swamped Ilene’s face, and she was sure she had gone bright red. She didn’t know what to say. She hadn’t anticipated having to answer any questions. The longer she was silent, the more piercing Edith’s stare became.
“He is very nice indeed,” she managed. “And I’m so grateful to him for rescuing me and allowing me to live here. But we’re not getting married. As soon as I’m fit, I plan to give him his house back.”
“Well, I for one am happy to hear that. You see, Tramp and I are getting married.” Ava waltzed into the room and nodded at each of them. “It’s very nice to see you all ladies, and I can’t tell you what it means to me that you’ve invited me to join you.”
Ilene reluctantly put on her fake smile. She couldn’t help but notice how healthy and pretty Ava looked. She had a beautifully curved body that any man would want. Ilene glanced down at her own lean willowy body that was built more for riding horses then for pleasing a man. Funny, she’d never given it all that much thought before, but now the comparison was stark.
Before anyone could say a word, Edith stepped forward and linked arms with Ava. “Well my dear, if you need any help at all planning the wedding you let me know. I’d be more than happy to help you. We haven’t had a fun wedding around here in years.”
Shannon and Addy and Cecily all exchanged irritated glances. Addy shrugged her shoulders and shook her head. “So Ilene, did they ever find any trace of your horse? Keegan told me about your amazing way with horses.”
“No, Gold Dust never showed up. And I do like working with horses. They seem to take to me. It’ll be a while before I’m able to work with horses again, though.”
There was a knock at the door, and Ilene didn’t bother to get up or ask anyone to answer it. Everyone seemed to just walk in whenever they wanted anyways. Cookie came in and he too had a wicker basket. He winked at Edith as he set his basket down. “Ladies, I have lemonade and cookies here for y’all. Now have fun but don’t you dare tire out Miss Ilene.” He gave Edith a nod before he left.
“Maybe we should be asking Edith when she and Cookie are going to be married,” Ilene remarked. The room fell into silence.
Edith walked away from Ava’s side until she stood in front of Ilene, glaring. “That is not your business. I will not be talked about or have any speculation about me. Do you understand?”
; She had known it. She’d known she would do something embarrassing. She glanced away from Edith not knowing what else to do. Ilene didn’t know the ins and outs of being part of the group but until now she’d always been one to sit back and watch for a while before saying anything. She’d come to think of it as a fault of hers but perhaps it was just being plain smart.
Addy quickly went to her basket and opened it. “Here we are, ladies. I have some of the squares we’ve been working on. Let’s get the chairs set in a circle so we can start sewing. Shannon, have we decided who we are donating this quilt to?”
Shannon quickly helped arrange the chairs in a circle and sat down next to Ilene. “Well, as you know Founder’s Day is about two months away, and I was thinking we could raffle off this quilt to help pay the teacher’s salary.”
Cecily selected a square, grabbed the needle and thread and sat down next to Shannon. “That sounds like a fine idea. The growth of the town is really dependent on a few things, and a school is one of them.”
Addy passed out squares to the rest of them before she sat down next to Ilene. “That is a good idea, Shannon.”
Edith sat down next to Addy and gestured for Ava to take the last seat. “The town would have to vote on it.” Edith settled into her chair still glaring at Ilene.
“Well, I have a suggestion,” Ava said. “I’m sure there’s plenty of needy families that could use a nice quilt. Since I’m working on this one perhaps someone in my family could use it.” Ava smiled and began to thread a needle. “I’m not that much of the sewer, I have to warn you.”
The mood in the room seemed to shift, and the attention was no longer on Ilene. It was on Ava, but Ava seemed unaware of it.
“So, Ava, Tramp didn’t even tell me that you were getting married,” Shannon said as she looked up from her sewing. “You know how men are, but I can’t believe you didn’t tell me.”
Edith smirked. “You didn’t know, Shannon? I’ve known for at least a week now. Tramp must be one of those that plays it close to the vest. I do believe they’re waiting for Ilene to be well enough to move on.”
Cecily’s eyes widened. “Move on? Why Edith that sounds kind of harsh. Ilene, I’m sure she means that they are just waiting for you to get well. You weren’t planning on moving on weren’t you?”
Ilene felt perspiration form at her brow as her heart beat a bit faster. What was there to say? Tramp had lied to her, and she wanted to cry. “I’m not sure what my plans are. I certainly don’t want to stand in the way of Ava and Tramp getting married. I’m just not sure where I’d go. Before the accident I was just given the job by Cinders to work with the horses, but that’s going to have to wait for a while. I also made baked goods and sold a lot of them. I just don’t know but I think moving on might be the right thing to do. I’ll need to find a place to stay while I save up enough to move on though.” She ducked her head and pretended to concentrate on her sewing.
She’d counted on Addy to invite her to live on her place but Addy never mentioned it. Surely Judge Gleason had given her the message. She was probably being polite and pretending there’d been no such request.
It was a relief when the conversation turned in the direction of little Ryan and Olivia. It was great fun to hear Addy tell stories of her daughter Peg and her instant dislike of her new brother. Any other time the conversation would have lifted Ilene’s spirits, but now all she could think about was how she was standing in Tramp and Ava’s way of happiness. She’d thought she had more time to come up with a plan. Shannon wanted her to stay but she didn’t think she’d be able to see Tramp and Ava day in and day out. Her heart twisted painfully.
It seemed to take forever for the sewing bee to be over. They had the refreshments, and they did a lot of sewing. Ilene didn’t join in any more conversation and she felt odd and very uncomfortable. Finally, Addy stood and announced she needed to get home to Ryan, and Shannon said she too needed to get to Olivia. The women all packed up their things and one by one they left until it was silent again in the cabin. Shannon had even cleared away the refreshments.
It was though no one had ever been there. But they had, and now her hands shook as her heart squeezed painfully. Why had Tramp lied to her? He’d said he wasn’t marrying Ava. It hurt doubly because of the lie. She was so tired of pretending and putting on fake smiles when all she really wanted to do was sob into her pillow. But there wasn’t enough privacy for sobs so she’d have to buck up and smile until it killed her.
It was late afternoon when Tramp rode Jack into the yard. He nodded at some of the Plunketts who were sitting outside and headed for the barn. There, he unsaddled Jack, took off his bridal, and let him loose in the corral. “I’ll be back in a bit, Jack. I just need to check on something before I brush you down.” Tramp closed the gate to the corral and started toward his house. All he wanted was to be sure that Ilene had survived the sewing bee.
Out of the corner of his eye he could see both Ava and Shannon hurrying his way. Something was wrong. He waited for both women to come to him and was surprised at the irritated looks they gave each other. “What’s this all about?”
Shannon put her hands on her hips. “I want to know why everyone else knows of your plans to marry Ava and you never told me. I see you every day, more than once a day and you couldn’t have told me? Does Cinders know?” She frowned and looked from him to Ava and then back at him again. “I want you to be happy, Tramp, and if Ava makes you happy, then I wish you well. I guess I’m just upset that you didn’t tell me.”
Ava touched his forearm and smiled up at him. “We didn’t want Ilene getting upset, but she’s almost better now. Right, Tramp?”
Tramp drew his brows together and blinked. What the heck was going on? “Ava, did you tell people we were getting married?”
“I’m sorry I just couldn’t keep it to myself any longer.” Her smile fled as Tramp pulled his arm away.
“I’d love to stay and get this all straightened out, but for right now my priority is Ilene.” Tramp turned and walked away. Dang it all, why was everything always so difficult? He bet Ilene had to wear one of those fake smiles she hated. It was his fault. He had encouraged her to join the other women. From the sound of it, the day had not gone well.
He walked up the steps slowly and hesitated on the porch for a moment before going in. He wasn’t quite sure what to say to her after all he was the one that told her that everything would be fine and she’d make friends. He hadn’t counted on Ava being there, but he had thought that the matter was settled. Why did Ava keep up with the charade of them getting married? He sighed and ran his fingers in his hair. He’d have to have a long talk with Ava and make sure this time she truly understood that there would be no marriage.
His heart squeezed when he saw Ilene sitting at the table with her head bowed and her shoulders slumped. This was his fault, and somehow he’d have to make it right. “Ilene?”
She slowly lifted her head and peered over her shoulder at him.
“Hello, Tramp, how was your ride out on the range? Did you come upon any new horses? I keep hoping that Gold Dust would find her way home.”
Tramp walked toward Ilene until he was at the table across from her. He pulled out one of the chairs, sat down and reached out to hold her uninjured hand. Was she upset because of Ava or because she thought she had to leave the house? There was so much sadness about her, and all he wanted to do was take her sadness away. He gave her hand a slight squeeze and waited until she met his gaze. “I am not marrying Ava. Why she keeps saying I am I have no idea. I’ve told her we’re not getting married but she keeps persisting. She has Shannon all riled up about the whole thing. In fact, Shannon is hurt that I didn’t tell her. I’m not sure what to do. Whatever I say seems cold hearted, but I never asked that woman to marry me.”
Ilene stared at him as though she was trying to take his measure and then she nodded. “I believe you. I think there might be something wrong with that girl. But she had us all believing that you two wou
ld be wed soon, and I would need to find a new place to live. She made it sound as though I’m standing in the way of your happiness. It was embarrassing to hear it all in front of the other ladies.”
Tramp let go of her hand and tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear. “I wouldn’t intentionally hurt you for anything in the world. I’ll have a talk with Shannon later, and make sure everything is straightened out, but as far as Ava I’m not sure what to do. I often see her standing or sitting by herself. She’s rarely with the rest of the family, and I’m wondering why. I mean she seemed nice enough but she can’t go around telling these yarns about me and her. Especially when it ends up hurting someone I care about.”
Her eyes softened as she continued to stare at him. “I know Shannon’s friendship means a lot to you, and I’m sure you’ll get things straightened out with her. I think I’m going to rest for a while.” She slowly got up from the table and gave him a smile that wasn’t fake, but it wasn’t exactly happy either. She grabbed her crutches and hobbled toward her room.
She paused and turned.
“I didn’t mean Shannon.” Their gazes met and held and he could see the questions in her eyes. He didn’t say anything more, and she finally broke eye contact and went into her room.
Why did she always seem to think the worst of him? Why couldn’t she just admit that they had an attraction between them? He’d seen the way she looked at him at times. He was just beginning to think that maybe they could have something. He’d known all along she didn’t want a husband. Somewhere along the line he’d started to think it wasn’t a bad idea. Now he wasn’t sure what to do anymore. She was so dead set on not having a husband and frankly he didn’t think he could change her mind.
The bed creaked when she got in it, and he smiled. He’d go find Shannon and get things straightened out. Enough was enough. Besides, maybe Shannon had a few ideas about how he could keep Ilene from leaving.