Tramp's Bride Read online

Page 8

  Ilene didn’t trust her voice so she gave him a slight nod. The pain of her body was nothing compared to the pain in her heart. There was no way she’d ever let him know. She’d been a fool to get attached to him.

  “Perhaps some coffee will help?” He sounded doubtful but he smiled when she nodded. He helped her into a sitting position and fixed her pillows behind her back before he handed her the cup.

  “Thank you,” she said, her voice sounding scratchy. She took the cup and took a sip. Who could make coffee this bad? She took another sip trying to figure out where Ava had gone wrong. After a third sip, she knew and her eye widened as she stared at Tramp.

  “I told you no laudanum. I thought I made myself clear. How could you? Do you want me asleep and out of your way so badly?” She shoved the cup at him, splashing coffee on his shirt.

  Tramp frowned and then first smelled the contents of the cup then he tasted it. A look of fury crossed his face. “It wasn’t me, darlin’. I’ll be right back.” He shook his head as he left.

  He seemed to be surprised. It must have been Ava. She didn’t know, maybe she was trying to help. It was so hard to figure out what was going on from inside the bedroom. All she could hear was more murmuring and it made her whole body tense wondering what was being said. She heard the front door close and turned her head, watching the bedroom door to see who was still in the house. She sighed in relief that it was Tramp.

  He turned the chair around and straddled it, crossing his arms on top of it to rest his chin. He smiled. “You don’t have to worry about Ava again. She didn’t know you didn’t want the drug. She should have asked though.”

  “Yes she should have. I could have taken some already and it would have been a double dose. It’s not something to be so lackadaisical about. As soon as I’m healed up, I’ll move out of your house.” Her gaze met his and held. He didn’t appear to be a happy husband to be. There was deep sadness in his eyes.

  Tramp pressed his lips together and paused before he spoke. “Edith and Judge Gleason came by to see you and when they saw me their reaction was worse than seeing a nun in a whore house.” A slight smile crossed his face. “Edith got her back up, and Gleason thought I was taking advantage of you.”

  “Did they see how bad off I am? There’s nothing going on.”

  “I know. They suggested I marry you, and I took them outside to talk so we wouldn’t wake you and upset you. I think I got it all straightened out.”

  “Well, thank you.” Why didn’t he just come out and tell her about his impending marriage to Ava? It wasn’t her business. Darn, her heart ached again. “I’m really sleepy now.”

  Tramp stood. “Sweet dreams.” He took the coffee cup away with him when he left.

  Tramp sat on the settee in the front room; his legs stretched out in front of him, and gazed out the window. The Plunkett family sure was a tight-knit group. The stronger ones helped the weaker ones walk to regain their strength. They were usually talking and laughing. What he wouldn’t give to be part of something like that. But no. He shook his head. He wasn’t willing to marry to be part of the group.

  Would he ever have his own family? He hadn’t thought he wanted one so badly. He’d had such an empty hole inside of him for so long, and now that he knew the cause he wanted to fix it but not by marrying someone he didn’t love.

  At least Edith and Judge Gleason would stay out of his business now. He didn’t like lies, but once in a while there was no avoiding them. He was surprised to see Cinders hurrying across the yard toward him. Tramp got up and opened the door.

  They shook hands and Cinders gestured with a nod of his head he wanted to talk outside. Tramp stepped outside and closed the door quietly, anxious to hear what Cinders had to say. “Is something wrong with the ranch?”

  Cinders took off his hat and slapped it against his thigh. “Not with the ranch, but I certainly got an earful from Edith. You know how she is. She wants you and Ava to have your wedding as soon as possible. This way Ilene will have a clear name.”

  Tramp stared at his friend. “I’m not marrying Ava. Ava told them I was, but I never proposed.”

  “Did you tell Edith or the judge you weren’t getting married?”

  “No. They were planning a shotgun wedding for me and Ilene, and I wasn’t going to allow it. There is nothing improper going on. They have no right telling me what to do.” His voice began to rise.

  “Listen I know how you feel. I had to marry Shannon. Best thing that ever happened to me. I really think we need to get it all straightened out. Joseph Plunkett thinks you’re marrying his daughter and soon. He wanted to know when Ilene was moving out of the house so they could move in.”


  Cinders sighed. “They are a close family, I was told.”

  “I’m going to go and talk to Ava and her father. I never proposed. Heck, I don’t think we’ve ever done more than greet each other in passing. This has gone far enough. I just wanted to spare Ilene the accusations those two were making.” He rubbed the back of his neck as he scowled.

  Cinders nodded. “It’s unfortunate they came by. Gleason wanted to court Ilene, and Edith wanted to surprise Cookie. I wonder who she has minding the store.” Cinders shifted his weight from one foot to the other. “There’s something else. I’m sorry as can be Shannon put you in such a predicament. I don’t want to get into your business, but have you considered marrying Ilene?”

  Tramp stared at his friend. “Marry Ilene? Are you loco?” He heard a gasp and turned toward the house. Ilene stood in the doorway with her hand over her mouth and her eyes wide. “Ilene—”

  “I was looking to see if Shannon was around to give me a hand.” She swayed and Tramp raced to her side.

  He picked her up and kicked the door closed with his foot. “I’m sure Cinders is on his way to get Shannon now. You shouldn’t be trying to walk. You could injure yourself worse. Here, let’s get you back into bed.” He bent down and placed her on the mattress. Her hair smelled of lavender, and it surprised him that he’d never noticed before. He took a step back, wracking his brain for something sensible to say. “I’m sorry about what you heard out there.”

  She waved her hand dismissively. “Don’t give it another thought. Don’t worry about me.” A ghost of a smile lifted her lips.

  “Is there something I can do for you or do you really need Shannon. I don’t mind getting the chamber pot out for you.”

  She turned a bright shade of red. “No it’s not that. It’s just something women go through.”

  He drew his brows together and tilted his head while he stared at her. She turned even redder. Suddenly it occurred to him. Dang, he heard women were demons when they got their monthlies. He felt his face heat. “I’ll go see what’s keeping her.”

  He left the room and leaned against the wall next to the open door. Now what? He didn’t know what to do for her, and he certainly didn’t want to see her demon side. He wiped the sweat off his brow with his shirt sleeve. He’d have to ask Cookie for some whiskey. It might be the only way he’d survive.

  Shannon hurried in, and her mouth dropped when she spotted Tramp. “What happened? Do we need the doctor?”

  “No, it’s a women thing.” He did not want to have this conversation.

  Shannon smiled and nodded. “I’ll take care of it.” She sailed into the bedroom and closed the door. A few minutes later she left only to quickly return with a basket. “Ilene has probably enough of her own supplies but I’m leaving extras.”

  Tramp groaned and ran his hand down his face. Two bottles of whiskey that was what he needed. Cinders would know how to survive, but he couldn’t embarrass Ilene by asking Cinders. He took a deep breath and decided to make coffee. Coffee always helped. Didn’t it? His shoulders slumped. What did he really know about taking care of anyone? He wasn’t qualified. Maybe he could get Ava to stay with Ilene.

  Shannon came out and nodded to him. He was so tempted to ask her to have Cookie get him the whiskey, but he t
hought better of it. He didn’t want Shannon to know about the demon qualities of women. She probably knew but it wouldn’t be right to acknowledge it.

  “Are you going to be all right? You look a bit green.” Shannon gave his arm a quick squeeze. “You need to rest.”

  He nodded. “I will thank you.” He watched her leave and contemplated what to do next. Should he check on Ilene? Should he let her be? His whole body was wound so tight he needed to get on his horse, rope a steer, and wrestle it to the ground. He longed to be outside, but instead he was stuck in the house.

  He heard a groan from the next room and he nearly groaned himself. There was nothing for it he’d have to go into the bedroom. He walked in and was surprised to see Ilene sitting up on the bed with a smile on her face. Was this some kind of test or some kind of joke? Why was she smiling at him? Something wasn’t quite right. “Did you need something?”

  Ilene shook her head. “I’m fine, really I am. I’m getting better every day, and I plan to be out of here very soon.” She smiled at him again, causing him to frown.

  Tramp felt a blush cover his face. “I meant, um, I meant do you need anything for your special problem?” He rubbed the back of his neck as he quickly looked away from her. It was very quiet for a few moments, and he snuck a peek at her. Her face had turned a brilliant shade of scarlet.

  “You don’t have to worry about that. Shannon took care of everything. Why don’t you go outside and get some fresh air for a while? I’ll be fine here alone.” He hesitated, and she shook her head. “Go on, it’s not right for you to have to spend all your time here with me.”

  He studied her for a moment and then nodded. It might do him good to get outside for a while. He turned to walk out the door and suddenly stopped. Was this the time the demon would appear? He waited for a moment expecting her to change her mind, but it didn’t happen. He wandered into the kitchen and stood there for a few moments just to be sure that she didn’t need him. All was silent. Shrugging his shoulders he went out the front door.

  The first person he saw was Cookie, who actually scowled at him. Cookie could be ornery at times, but this scowl was directed right at Tramp. He walked closer to the corral, where Cookie was watching Rollo try to break a horse. Rollo looked like a rag doll being tossed back and forth as he rode the bucking horse.

  Tramp stood next to Cookie, leaned his arms on the top rail of the corral and then turned his head, staring at Cookie. “Mind telling me what that look is for?”

  “I had to go ten rounds with Edith trying to defend you. I’m not entirely sure you’re worth defending but Ilene is. Just so you know her name has already been dragged through the mud in town.” Cookie turned until his body faced Tramp. “You best do right by that little gal.” Cookie shook his head and walked away.

  Things were much worse than he imagined. Damn, it looked like he was going to be forced to marry Ilene after all. He should have protested more when Shannon suggested he take care of the injured woman. He should have put his foot down. He should have… He couldn’t think of what else he should have done, but he was sure there was something he’d left out. He’d hardly been back any time at all, and already people were planning for him to get hitched.

  Perhaps if he spent time with Ilene in a normal fashion he’d come to like her. She was pretty, and she could cook. It was just that being forced to do something stuck in his craw. He took a deep breath and shrugged. Well, no one was making him do anything right now. There might be hope yet. Maybe one of the men who had already asked her would be available to marry her. He’d think on it; there was bound to be someone. People called him stubborn and they’d be right.

  Chapter Six

  Ilene sat up in bed taking stock of her injuries. She wiggled her toes then made a circle with her foot to test her ankle. A twinge in her ankle brought on a wince, but it wasn’t even half as bad as it had been. Gingerly, she bent her legs, and her knee was starting to feel better. Her arms were still bright red, and they probably would be for some time to come. She experienced pain in her one wrist but all in all she was improving at a good pace.

  All she needed was a cane. If she had one she’d probably be able to hobble around on her own. It wasn’t right for Tramp to be here anymore; he was engaged to Ava. Why did her heart squeeze whenever she thought of them together? Probably because she’d have to move. Moving wouldn’t be so bad. She could think of it as a new adventure. Sinking back against her pillows she realized she didn’t want a new adventure. What she wanted now belonged to another.

  She’d have to make a list of suitors, possible suitors. She turned down so many men she wasn’t quite sure who was left. It was her own fault; she’d allowed her fears to dictate her life. It was time to grow up and face reality. There would be no bakeshop, there would be no other place to live by herself, and there would be no more independence for her. A tear rolled down her cheek, and she quickly dashed it away. She was strong and now wasn’t a time for tears.

  Was Judge Gleason still available? He probably thought badly of her now. This whole set up had been doomed to fail from the beginning. Who in their right mind would expect Tramp to take care of her? It must’ve been some attempt on Shannon’s part to play matchmaker.

  She wished she could be mad at Shannon but she couldn’t. Shannon was really her one and only friend. She’d always been so kind and gracious. Shannon must have thought Tramp would make her a good husband. Shannon should have asked whether or not it was what Ilene and Tramp wanted. She squared he shoulders. C’est la vie. She picked up that line while working in the factory in New York City. She’d worked with many French girls and loved the language.

  Unfortunately, one of her favorite sayings, this too shall pass, didn’t apply to this problem. Marriage wasn’t something that passed, having your reputation ruined didn’t pass. Her eyes felt dry, and she suddenly realized that her lips were chapped. Carefully, she sat back up and turned her body in order to ease her legs off the bed. She grabbed onto the bedpost and pulled herself up to a standing position. The shaking of her legs gave her pause, but she knew it would stop soon. She clung to the bed post and waited for her legs for steady before letting go. In the past she’d felt lightheaded but not this time. She took a step and her knee protested. Taking another step her ankle wobbled. It probably wasn’t the best idea but she wanted some water.

  She finally made it to the door jamb and held on for dear life. The water bucket with the ladle was on the kitchen table. She took a deep breath, willing herself to make it to the table. When she reached it, she sat down, relieved she hadn’t fallen. The water made soothing sounds as she swirled the ladle through it then pulled it out. She drank deeply. The cool water slid down her throat until it quenched her thirst. She dipped her finger into the water and then dabbed her lips. There, she felt better than she had in awhile. Maybe tomorrow she could get dressed and sit outside. She’d have to act as though she was well, so Tramp could get on with his life.

  She frowned at the thought of Tramp leaving. Of course, she’d see him on the ranch once in awhile but it wouldn’t be the same. It was going to be some time before she was able to ride a horse. She stepped as far as she could while still holding on to the doorway and then she stood on her own. The pain was fierce but she’d have to get used to it. A few more steps and she was able to grasp the back of a chair. She put her weight on the chair and eased out a breath.

  Without warning, the chair gave beneath her hand and fell backwards sending her flying to the floor.

  Ilene stayed there for a moment trying to ascertain if she was hurt more than before. She didn’t think she’d done any additional damage, but it hurt like the dickens. Now all she had to do was get up. Sitting, she righted the chair, and with strength she didn’t even know she possessed, she pulled herself up until she was able to sit on it. She closed her eyes and slowed her breathing down, gritting her teeth against the pain.

  The thunk of the door latch broke the silence, and she pasted a smile on her face as
the door was pushed inward. It was important for Tramp to believe she was on the mend and he wasn’t needed. The angry expression on his face displaced any of her ideas. Thunderous was what he looked like.

  Tramp took long strides until he was next to the chair. He bent and, without uttering a word, picked her up in his arms and put her back into bed. Then he stepped back and shook his head. “What in the name of Sam Houston are you doing?” He stared at her as though waiting for an answer.

  “I was just stretching my legs is all.” She tried not to wince.

  “You aren’t in any type of condition to be up and around. What did you need? Water? Or should I go get Shannon for you?”

  The worry in his voice made her feel guilty. “No, I just wanted to get out of this room in all.”

  “You’ve had your trip for the day. Perhaps tomorrow I can carry you out to the porch for a spell. How does that sound? I’ll go get you some water.” He didn’t wait for a reply, just turned and stalked from the room.


  Tramp poked his head back into the room. “What?”

  “What about Gold Dust? Has there been any sign of her?”

  “No. I’ve had people out looking, but so far there’s been no sign of her.”

  Nodding, she lay back against her pillow. “Thanks for trying.” Poor horse, she hoped she was able to get her tack off somehow. Though she did have a feeling she’d see her again.

  Tramp came in and put the water on the side table. He turned the chair around and straddled it, staring at her as though he had something he wanted to ask her. “Is it men or marriage you’re against?”

  Startled her jaw dropped. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, do men frighten you, or are you against marriage?”

  She narrowed her eyes as she looked him up and down. “Why do you want to know? I can’t see how this is any of your business.”

  “Somehow it became my business. It’s up to me to make things right. I can’t have people bad mouthing you, now, can I?”