Love Before Midnight Read online

Page 9

  “Come here,” he murmured as he pulled her to him and wrapped his strong arms around her. “I missed you.”

  “It’s only been a few days.”

  “I know and it astounds me too. I didn’t think I had time for a woman. That is until you came along.”

  Cindy beamed as she gazed at the couple. “You two need to go and talk.”

  Maverick nodded and let go. “We do need to talk. Do you want to go to your house?”

  “No. Too many bad memories. Why don’t we just talk in your truck?”

  “The truck it is.” He took her hand and tipped his hat toward Cindy. “Much obliged.”

  Anora tugged his hand. “Wait. I didn’t pay for the coffee.”

  “It’s on me,” Cindy said as she shooed them away.

  Maverick quickly led her out of the diner and opened the truck door for her. She watched him walk around the front of it, and she wondered what he’d say. He deserved more than she could ever give him, and her heart squeezed. It wouldn’t be right to take anything he offered.

  “Anora, it’s like this,” he said as he jumped into his seat and closed the door. “You are on my mind so much I can’t get anything done. I’d feel a heck of a lot better if I knew for a fact you were safe. Just until this all blows over.”

  She nodded slowly and looked away. She wouldn’t have to turn down his declaration of love. There wasn’t one. She had made up some fairytale in her mind. One where he would say he loved her and she, being noble, turns him down so he can have a happy life with someone else. But he would refuse to take no for an answer. He was just being a friend who was concerned for her safety. “What did you have in mind?” she asked quietly, trying to sound cheerful.

  “Why don’t you stay at the ranch. You can cook for me, and as soon as the police look into any more plots of revenge against you, you can go home.” He smiled at her as though he’d solved the world’s problem.

  Disappointment flowed through her and she wanted nothing more than to go home and lick her wounds. “It’s a nice offer.”

  “Good! Let’s get your stuff.”

  She backed against the door. “Maverick, I’ve had all I can take with people telling me what to do. It has to be my decision, not your dictate.” Her heart beat fast. She’d never stood up to anyone like that before and she needed to escape. Quickly, she turned, opened the door and jumped out of the truck. She took off running as fast as she could to her house. She heard his truck pull into her driveway and her hands shook as she tried to find the right key for the right deadbolt. Tears filled her eyes and she stiffened.

  “Here, honey, let me help you.”

  Slowly she turned toward him. Tears flowed down her face as she handed him the keys. He made short work of the locks and opened the door for her. “I hope you reconsider coming with me.” She watched him walk away.

  Her shoulders slumped as she locked the door. He meant well. She wasn’t his problem, and he didn’t need her troubles at his feet. At least she finally admitted to herself she had a dream life of them together. But her dreams always washed away. She needed to rely on herself for her happiness. Walking to the front window, she peeked out and laughed when she saw Maverick’s truck still parked in front of her house.

  He was just concerned about her. Backing away from the window she went into her bedroom and packed her bag. She checked out front again and he was still there. Gathering her belongings along with her courage, she opened the door and no sooner did she have the locks locked, Maverick was at her side.

  “I came on too strong. I have to admit I am a bit bossy at times, but I’ll work on it.” He looked so sincere she was tempted to stroke his face, but she decided against it.

  “I’m skittish and I tend to panic easily. I’m working on it.”

  “Good.” He gave her a sexy grin. “Belle left you a present.”

  “What is it?”

  “I suppose there’s only one way to find out. Let’s go.”

  She expected the ride to be awkward, but it had a good vibe to it. There wasn’t much conversation and the silences were comfortable. It calmed her immensely. Except for the attraction, she couldn’t make go away. Even driving his truck, he was magnetic. The strong line of his jaw coupled with his Adam’s apple tempted her to reach out and touch him. His muscled thighs were prominent through his jeans and her face heated. It wasn’t because of the truck’s heater either.

  Andy had disgusted her to the point she figured all men were pigs. Maverick wasn’t and somehow, she was drawn to him to the point of wanting him. It was a very unsettling feeling. She promised herself she’d never go down that path of having a man on top of her grunting. Would it be different with Maverick? Oh hell she didn’t know. She didn’t have enough experience to know. Could she take a chance? She’d be better off not knowing.

  He’d give anything to know what she was thinking. Her face had showed a myriad of expressions the whole ride home. It was probably a mistake bringing her back to the ranch. He promised himself he wouldn’t touch her, but every part of his being wanted her. He wanted to lean over and tuck an errant piece of her hair behind her ear while he stroked her soft cheek. Her peaches and cream complexion added to her appeal.

  Belle wouldn’t be there as a buffer. His pretense of wanting Anora safe was just an excuse to get her back home. He couldn’t stop thinking about her. He was setting himself up for a world of hurt. She wasn’t ready for a relationship and after all the things Andy did to her, he highly doubted she’d ever want to lay with a man. He pulled up to the ranch house and put the truck in park.

  “You don’t have to be nervous,” he said softly.

  Her gaze was on him, but she quickly looked away. “I’m fine. Thank you again.”

  Turning the truck off, he darned himself to hell. He didn’t want her thanks, but it was all she had to give. “Let’s get you settled inside. Belle’s present is on your bed.” He got out and reached for her bag. He waited for her to get out of the truck and they went into the house together.

  “I’m sorry for leaving so abruptly. It was rude.” She clasped her hands together and walked into the kitchen.

  “No apology necessary. You’re free to come and go as you please. I must admit I was worried and drove by your house a few dozen times. Why did you leave? You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.” He gave her what he hoped was an understanding smile.

  “It wasn’t just one thing. Belle was gone and we’d be alone. I felt guilty about Rumble, and I wanted to protect you from further instances.” She tilted her head and locked gazes with him.

  “I’m glad you’re back. We found a replacement for Rumble. Not that any horse could ever replace him. But the ranch will succeed.”

  “It looks to me like you’ve already succeeded. Your house is huge.”

  “I went a little overboard on the house. Belle and I grew up in what I would call a shack. I wanted better for her.”

  She smiled. “You certainly did that. You’re a good brother.” She broke their shared stare and went to the counter. “I’ll have some coffee ready in a jiffy.”

  “I could make it.”

  “I know and that’s why I don’t mind. You don’t expect me to do it, and you can’t possibly know how much that means to me. Knowing I can come and go is like a gift. No one has said that to me. You are different from anyone I know. I enjoy spending time with you. As a friend of course.”

  His heart dropped. “Yes, friends of course. Why don’t you run up and see what Belle left for you?” Nodding she ran off. He was a fool plain and simple. She wasn’t some head shy filly he could gentle. He was out of his element. It was probably a pretty good guess she’d never be ready for a romantic relationship. He frowned. It was a darned shame.

  “It’s beautiful!” Anora shouted down the stairs.

  Smiling he went to the bottom of the stairway. “Do you like it?”

  “Oh, it’s perfect. I’ve never had a long dress before. I never went to my proms…” H
er smile vanished. “The cream color is perfect and the beadwork is amazing. Belle picked out the perfect dress for me. Where’d I wear it I don’t know and I don’t care.”

  “She’ll be thrilled you like it.” He wanted to see her in it. He wanted to push the spaghetti straps down her arms, kiss her shoulder and then her neck before he let it fall. He imagined her to be perfect. Darn he made himself aroused with his thoughts. “Coffee is about ready.”

  “I’ll be right down.” He watched until she turned and went toward her room before he strolled into the kitchen. The doorbell rang, and he wasn’t surprised to see Joleen. Her shirt was practically open to her navel.

  “I thought we could spend New Year’s Eve together. I heard Belle had to go back to school early. I brought a casserole.” She sidestepped around him and headed for the kitchen.

  Darn, she needed to know she wasn’t in the running for his affections. He thought he’d given her enough hints, but here she was again. She had her coat off by the time he joined her. When she turned toward the refrigerator, he nearly burst out laughing. Anora had been right about Joleen’s bubble butt.

  “Darling, what’s so funny?

  “I have to ask. Do you wear padded underwear?”

  “God gave me these beautiful breasts!”

  “He meant your rear end, Joleen,” Anora said as she walked in.

  Joleen turned a bright shade of scarlet. “It’s none of your business. I have everything Maverick craves in a woman. He’s a breast and rear man.”

  Anora’s eyes opened wide. “I didn’t know that about him.”

  “Hell, I didn’t know that about myself either. I don’t judge on looks. I look for a heart of gold.” He gave Joleen a sad smile.

  “You liked me well enough before she came here!” Her lower lip jutted out as she pointed to Anora.

  “I’m sorry if I led you on, Joleen.”

  She grabbed her casserole and ran out of the house.

  “Darn, I’m the winner of the biggest jerk award.” He sighed heavily.

  Anora stood close to him and touched his arm. “You aren’t a jerk. You’re a nice man.” Her expression was so earnest she melted his heart.

  “Do you really think so?” He pulled her against his chest. Having her in his arms was heaven. There’s a New Year’s Eve party at the community center tonight. Would you like to go with me?”

  She pulled away, studied his face and then nodded. “A place to wear my dress.”

  “Yes indeed. I have to get some work done, it’s starting to snow again. I’ll be back in time to get ready. It starts at eight.”

  She filled a thermos with coffee. “Stay warm and stay safe.”

  “Will do.” He ached to kiss her on the cheek, but he decided against it. He gave her a big grin and left.

  Chapter Eight

  Anora couldn’t believe the woman in the mirror was she. The bathroom had unusually great lighting. It was the only thing that made sense. There was a glow about her. She hardly needed any makeup. Just a whisk of mascara and a bit of lipstick was all she needed. Her cheeks were rosy enough. Heck, even her hair had a nice shine. The dress fit perfectly, and it made her feel feminine and the feeling didn’t scare her.

  Turning this way and that, she smiled. Belle certainly had good taste. She pulled on one of Belle’s wraps and strolled to the window. The snow was coming down fast and hard. Maverick would have to shovel his truck out if they were to get to town. At least she had boots to wear.

  Cooper’s truck flew up the driveway through all the snow. He parked near the barn and both he and Maverick got out. They talked for a few minutes then Maverick turned toward the house. He immediately glanced up at her bedroom window. He waved and she stepped back not wanting him to think she was spying on him.

  She waited until the door closed before she headed for the stairs. She took one step at a time, and her stomach felt full of butterflies. Maverick watched her from below. His smile of appreciation didn’t go unnoticed. There were flames of desire in his eyes, and she knew her expression mirrored his.

  “You look lovely.” He took her hand and helped her down the last step. He took a step back holding her at arm’s length and whistled. “You sure do look great.”

  Her face heated. “Thank you but I think it’s all due to the dress Belle gave me.”

  “You never give yourself enough credit. You are so beautiful inside and out. I feel blessed to have you here.”

  Here it was, her Cinderella moment and she wasn’t going to ruin it with doubts. No, she needed to talk to him. She needed to spill her feelings for him. “I feel blessed to be here with you too.”

  He smiled and dropped her hand. “We won’t be able to go to the party. The roads are closed. I’m afraid it’ll just be us.”

  “Us is fine. You haven’t had anything to eat. Let me make you something.”

  “I’m not hungry. Let’s go into the library and make a fire. It really is cold out there.”

  “Like the first night we met?”

  “Actually, this storm is much worse, but we’re safe inside.”

  She followed him into the library and sat on the couch. She watched him build a fire. He bent over and something strange came over her. Of course, she’d seen him bend many times but it never sent her pulse to racing before.

  “You okay?” He asked as he turned toward her.

  “I’m a bit nervous is all.”

  He frowned. “That wasn’t my intent. I want you to feel comfortable here. Comfortable with me too. I know you’ve survived horrific things, and I’m betting you may not be able to get over them. I want you to know I’m here for you.”

  Nodding she glanced away. The Cinderella moment had passed and would never return. Pain lanced her heart. Of course, she’d never be completely healed from Andy’s abuse, but she had hoped she was enough. Unfortunately, she wasn’t enough for Maverick. Why would she? He had his pick of women if he wanted. He didn’t need her hanging around.

  “Thank you. You’ve been more than kind. You and Belle both.” She racked her brain for something more to say, but she came up empty. What a mistake tonight was. They’d end up making forced conversation while her heart broke.

  The room grew quiet and he seemed to have nothing to say either. She should have stayed home alone. Alone was better than this.

  “Did they say how long the storm would last?” she asked.

  “A least until tomorrow. I feel awkward with you.”

  Stabbing her in the heart would have felt better. “I’m sorry.” She stood

  “Where are you going?”

  “Upstairs. Listen, I don’t want to make you uncomfortable in your own house.”

  He stood and grabbed her hand. “I feel inadequate. I don’t know much about women. I’ve always been close to Belle, but that’s it. I wish I had the right words.”

  “The right words for what?”

  He leaned in toward her and captured her lips with his. It was a searing kiss and it left her breathless. She kissed him back and felt her knees grow weak. Somehow, he maneuvered them on to the couch without breaking the kiss.

  “You taste like mint and coffee. I can’t get enough of you. I’ve dreamt about kissing you,” he whispered.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and shivered as his tongue entered her mouth. Oh, Lord, she’d never enjoyed a kiss so much. She tingled from her head to her toes. He pulled back allowing himself access to her neck. How could he make her feel loved with just a few kisses? She was reading things into his kiss, but she wasn’t ready to forget her dream of him loving her.

  She groaned and it almost put him over the top. He’d never wanted a woman like he wanted Anora. Her skin was so soft and she smelled of lavender and another scent he wasn’t sure of. They seemed to fit together so well. He cupped her cheeks in his hands and looked her in the eye. “I’m not hurting you am I? I don’t want to scare you.”

  Her answering smile lit the whole room. “You could never scare me, Maverick.
I feel safe with you and I’m glad you like me.”

  He almost got lost in her sparkling eyes. “Like? Oh, honey, I feel so much more for you. I never wanted to say this to any woman, but I love you. You’re my everything. I’m just afraid you don’t feel the same way.”

  She appeared dazed and then a smile spread across her face. “I do feel the same way. I love you too. Look it’s almost midnight.”

  “So it is.” They stood and watched as the seconds ticked down and when both hands were on the twelve, he leaned in and kissed her.

  “Happy New Year! You are my first New Year’s kiss.” She smiled. “I love you, Maverick with my heart and soul.”

  “Do you know how long I’ve waited for you to tell me you love me? Just meeting you made me realize how lonely my life was. The only passion I had was for my horses, and you heated a very different kind of passion inside me. I was a goner that first night when you got into my truck. This past year I’ve worried and wondered. I wanted to come to you, but I didn’t want to intrude on your healing. I thought your family would be the best for you.”

  “I thought about you too, Maverick. When it got to be too much, I would curl up inside myself and remember, your smile, your strong arms and your compassion. I figured it was just a dream. A man like you could never love a broken woman like me.”

  “Darlin’, you’re not broken. Fragile at times, yes but that’s to be expected don’t you think?”

  “You’re asking me about myself? Everyone at home told me how I should act. You are a breath of fresh air.”

  “I had two presents for you for Christmas. I was only going to give you one. I jumped the gun by buying the second one. Sit down and I’ll get them.” He went to his desk, opened the drawer and pulled out a thin rectangular box. “This is the first one.” He handed her the box.

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Open it.” He smiled at her reaction. It was a silver charm bracelet with a gemmed horseshoe hanging from it.